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The Best Asian Foodie's Excursion

I love food, I love traveling, so imagine wherever you go, you try the food and the cuisine of this country, this is what I did, of course, there are still there are a lot of places I haven’t been to, but almost all of the restaurants helped me to travel to these places, and I guess even you are doing the same.
This time I'm going to introduce you to Asian cuisine and the next few ttimes I'm going to show you all about the world by discovering the dishes from each continent, I will call it “ the Best Foodies Excursion”


 Today is «  The Best Asian Foodies Excursion »

It is extremely hard to time choose the best dishes of cuisine because all are the best, I tried to select and opt for the most popular and loved dishes at the same time I didn't want to ignore others, all the Asian food I love, the Indian or Bangladeshi curries, Thai or Chinese noodles, Malaysian or Singaporean rice, and more and more cuisine, these dishes are most famous and requested in restaurants.

1- Peking Duck (China)

PICKING DUCK is a traditional Chinese dish from Beijing that has been prepared since the Imperial Era, the meat is thin, with crispy skin, with authentic versions of the dish serving mostly the skin and little meat, sliced in front of the diners by the cook, it will come with spring onion, cucumber, and sweet bean sauce with pancakes rolled around the filling.

2- SUSHI (Japanese Dish)

SUSHI, cornerstone of top Asian Food, has a rich history that dates back centuries in Japan, reflecting the nation’s dedication to precision and artistry in culinary practices. It's features of medium-grained rice cooked in vinegar, served with raw or cooked seafood and a variety of toppings or fillings, contrary to popular belief, rice is the main component of Sushi, not raw fish.

3- Kimchi (Korean Sauerkraut)

Kimchi, to Korea is one of the most beautiful stories of food, symbolizes the national pride, love, family and hope for the future.

There are many ways how to prepare it, it's depend of the place in Korea but often includes salt, fermented shrimp, fish sauce, gochugaru, sugar, ginger, garlic, radish, carrot and scallions, and soaking Napa cabbage in salty brine for 12 hours, then rinsing it and rubbing it with starchy past.

4- Biryani (Indian and Bangladeshi qRice-based Dish)

Biryani, a cherished dish among Asian food, boasts diverse regional variations across India and neighboring countries, each presenting a unique culinary experience. Comprising fragrant basmati rice, aromatic spices, and a choice of meat or vegetables, biryani is prepared using meticulous layering and slow-cooking techniques.

The key to a delicious Biryani is the harmonious blend of spices, creating layers of flavors.

5- Pho (Vietnam)

Pho, one of the most popular foods in Asia originates from Vietnam and carries deep cultural significance. 

This flavorful noodle soup is a Vietnamese staple known for its aromatic broth, rice noodles, and various meat toppings, typically beef, chicken, and pork. The preparation involves a meticulous process of simmering bones, spices, and herbs to create a distinctive taste. It's served with beans sprouts, fresh herbs, limes, chiles, and other garnishes.

6- Tom Yam Soup (Thailand )


Tom Yam Soup, is originally from Thailand, The word Tom Yam means “boiling “ or “hot” and “spicy and sour”, which perfectly describes the dish. 

Most of the time it is a Seafood soup, but some prefer to have it with chicken, it is a harmonious blend of crucial ingredients like lemongrass, lime leaves, special spices, and chili.

7- Nasi Goreng (Malaysia/Indonesia)

Nasi Goreng, a beloved dish in both Malaysia and Indonesia, reflects a shared love for its delectable taste. This fried rice dish, featured prominently on the Asian Food List, captures the essence of Southeast Asian cuisine.

Prepared by stir-frying rice with ingredients like kecap manis (sweet soy sauce), shallots, and garlic, and often accompanied by proteins like shrimp or chicken, and topped with a fried egg, Nasi Goreng is a flavorful delight.

8- Chelo Kabab Koobideh( Iran)

Chelo Kabeb, is kebab served with rice, undoubtedly the most famous Iranian dish.
Many people know Iranian cooking with Chelo Kebab, all kinds of Kebab, especially Koobideh, are very popular among Iranians and tourists. koobideh is ground meat seasoned with minced onion, salt and pepper, Kebab-e Barg is sliced lamb or beef, flavored with lemon juice, onion and saffron with some butter.

9- Hainanese Chicken Rice (Singapore)

Hainanese Chicken Rice, this delectable dish can be found at almost every dining spot, from humble hawker, centers to high-end restaurants. It's a national treasure and one of the most popular foods in Asia.
This dish is the story of flavors, of tender chicken expertly poached to perfection, to the rice, cooked in chicken broth, absorbs the savory essence. It is accompanied and stands out with sauces-chili sauce for a kick and ginger sauce for warmth.

10- Satay (Indonesia)

Satay, is undoubtedly one of the best and most tasty of Indonesia’s most famous dishes. It's also one of those dishes that most Southeast Asian countries claim as their own.

Satay is a seasoned and skewered meat dish that originated from the Indonesian island of Java. Different types of meat are marinated in turmeric and other ingredients before being grilled over coals and served with a variety of sauces, most commonly peanut or sate sauce.
It's really Tasty, it will come with flavored rice, lemon slice, and cucumber.

11- Pad Thai (Thailand)

Pad Thai is one of the world’s most beloved noodle dishes. Along with Thai green curry and red curry, this is the dish by which every Thai restaurant is measured to be the best. 
Pad Thai, is a Thai noodle stir fry with a sweet-savoury-sour sauce scattered with crushed peanuts. It’s made with thin, flat rice noodles, and almost always has bean sprouts, garlic chives, scrambled egg, firm tofu and a protein – the most popular being chicken, prawns or shrimp.
For me it is perfect and my favorite dish in Thai cuisine.

Hope you Enjoyed and Bon Appetit

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