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Better life: Physiognomy

 What are you passionate about?

I have many passions such as drawing, cooking, handcraft, and traveling. However, my newest passion is physiognomy. I find it incredibly interesting and useful and I believe everyone should learn about it.

It helps in understanding oneself and others forI have many passions such as drawing, cooking, handcraft, and traveling. However, my newest passion is physiognomy. I find it incredibly interesting and useful and I believe everyone should learn about it. better communication. 

So, imagine if everyone could learn it. I guess there would be no more problems in our lives - no misunderstandings, no one trying to fool you, no heartbreak. You would just need to scan or read people's faces or body language.

I try to apply it to myself first, then to my family. It's become like a habit - when I'm walking and watching people around me, I instantly start scanning faces and behaviors. And I understand my daughter better now.

So how your face looks like?

And what are you passionate about?

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